It’s been an interesting few weeks, to reflect on.
There’s been wood. Loads of lovely wood. No new fire or heat pump, but big lots of tree landing itself on our front section. Keeping trusting. Thankful for Woodville arriving at our pad. 
A beautiful wedding. Delicious catch-ups. Old timers gathering together. So nice.

Learning to ride bikes and Eggs to eat.
Curly hair has been driving me mad even when others would die for it (trust me, that is going a bit far) but has drawn me to some conclusions about my funny self. Amidst the hair fiasco (simply it getting rather long and losing it’s shape most days), I’ve realised how difficult it is at times for me to make decisions. Sometimes simple, sometimes tricky decisions. Confusion hits. This is one area where I’ve felt on my own and have found it stressful. Ahhhh what do i do with my limp and fine, curly matted hair-do? (i'm mostly talking of decisions way bigger than this small issue). It’s always stressful before I regain my position and get myself back on track with these trusted tools:
waiting is OK, not deciding immediately.
Asking someone for wisdom or prayer.
Saying No is a fine answer.
Realising I’m on my own and sometimes it’s gonna be harder.
I did get the head chopped. I'm pleased with the chop, short and new. Still curly but maybe straight some days if time allows?!
I’m loving the crock pot – I tried a piece of beef today with lashings of garlic and rosemary, on low with no water. Perfect yum-yum. Also pork is easy too and so delightfully moist. Low and all day too. Bliss-ness if you’re out all day. These choices are not hard, thankfully.
I’ve loved being with dear friends over the holidays. Thank you for being in my life you crazy-fun-folk.
Eugene Petersons ‘Solo’ devotional has been so good for my daily dose of God medicine. Also sitting in the evenings for a shortish time with some God music, when the girls are tucked up nicely, has been food for my soul and I’m hoping to dose myself more with that. Again this is an easy choice.
It's been ages since i've written. More to write another day. love me.
PS happy 40th Andrew. You rock!