This year has been a tricky one for me.
Not easy (not that it should be). Painfully normal.
It's September and I've been feeling more and more like my word for 2011 was OVER. Not a more positive word - I was feeling like life was all OVER the place.
Not Somewhere over the rainbow.
More like Woman overboard.
Over it.
Over and out.
But today I feel like i did the above, turned a corner.
Several things contributed to the turnover i experienced today.
I invited quite a few wonderful people for lunch, changed a few things round in my house, my current situation got recognised by precious friends and spoken about and we as a family were more than ourselves today. I was hugged, loved and encouraged by others today.
Life felt again, that it was bigger than myself.
Overwhelmed. A bit teary.
I began to feel like spring was entering my mind and body, like I was thawing out and experiencing the new. I haven't felt like this for a long time. It feels good.
His banner over me is love.
Over and over and over again He turns up, he shows up for me.
It's been a bland year. A hard year. But it's not over yet.
(photos are a few small areas in our home that I adore x)