Breathe Sarah ....
Always so glad of these two munchkins. Kai I write this for you as nine years ago you popped (well that is prob a slight under-exaggeration) into my world and you've filled it ever since. Look at your gorgeous big eyes, lucious long eye lashes and legs to match! But there's more to you than your beautiful outward appearance.
There's the real true you, the girl who writes lists of activities or chores she needs to do,
the older sister who tries to listen attentively to the younger one without interrupting,
the babe with the careful attention to detail in putting outfits together,
the tree climbing, soccer ball playing, bar hanging child who sings like it's second nature and plays the keys like she's her mummas girl.
The girl with a pile of books by her bed, an art activity on the go, a game outside always involving a tree and moments of sweet whispers and kisses just for her ma.
I appreciate how you welcome others to our home like they are our new best friends, how you love-on younger children who are in your reach, and I particularly love how you have add-on ideas that often change our current view or plan of action. You are a blessing.
You are fun. You are a rascal sometimes.
You are clever and smart, beautiful inside and out, you make fart jokes whenever you can and you can argue with the best of them.
I am so thankful to God for you Kaiya Grace. I am a very proud mumma.
I am also so grateful that you and Liv got given these great reads on Grandma's return.
Look at them Amy - many suggested by you!
Thanks for the pressies for us in the form of letters on pages, overseas book buying people! The library is open.
No regrets Kaiya Grace, none ever.