I didn’t realise I had dimples until well into my life. Our daughter has dimples and they are really obvious and cute. Dimples are cute, on the right part of our body! I felt a bit thick that I didn’t realise I had dimples. I didn’t realise, either, that I had red cheeks until I got teased frequently, as a teenager. “Wow you must have run a long way”, was one comment, when I had just walked from the car to the classroom. I have high coloured cheeks, I think. From the moment of having too many hassels re my apple coloured cheeks, I started wearing make-up, every day. From the age of 15, I wore heavy make-up until one marvellous day. I was getting ready to go to uni and there infront as I looked in the mirror I was challenged. “why am I wearing this make-up? I look OK” Instantly, like a miracle, my thoughts about myself were changed and I realised my red cheeks weren’t as bad as I’d been made to think. That day I received quite a few remarks about how different I looked, in a good way.
I’m 34 and still learning about myself. I’m being undone. It’s rather fantastic, in a rather painful way. But I’m glad.
Some of the things I’ve learned are small comments from people close to me, from authors, my mum and people who hardly know me. I’m so glad God uses people to teach us. One person just said to me that he and his wife were just deciding to make the most of their life, despite some things they couldn’t change. They were still wanting to have fun. Since that conversation the girls and I have been praying for joy amidst the pain we are experiencing. I’m doing my best to make the most of this new adventure I’m on – new town, new people to meet and fun stuff to do.
Also, I said to a gorgeous friend of mine that nothing has changed and how painful that is for me, with the hope I have in my gut. She simply said, “sarah, you just don’t know what is around the corner!”
I love it, I love the small things people say, that give me life.
So I’m trying to relax but didn’t know what that even meant really, until my beautiful sister’n’law said that to relax is to ‘do something that perhaps no-one else would find relaxing or fun, but that you do’. That immediately has helped me. I think blogging is going to be something that helps me do that.
I’m probably going to keep writing down these amazing bits of info that have helped me on my re-shaping journey. Bye for now, SJ
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