I got L these cute red shoes a few months ago, put them away and then as i was thinking i needed to buy her some new shoes, i remembered these goodies. She was excited. New red shoes. which woman wouldn't be, let alone a 4 year old! "Snap mum" she said. What a cool kid. L wanted me to put mine on straight away so we could match. We have fun wearing our shoes at the same time.
On our car travels today, L told me what she wanted to be (one day!). Her usual answer to this q if asked, is: A baker, a builder and to have a baby. But today without me even asking, she told me she would like to be a coffee maker. I was thrilled. Free help with my addiction one day perhaps. But straight after that, she added "and a show girl". I laughed out loud a lot. I asked her what she meant and she said she wanted to put on shows. Good on her. Princess shows. I knew she would be good at that. "K will have to help me mum. I'll do the coffee in the day and the shows at night!"
I had the girls in bed with me this morning. a lovely early morning visit with tickles and playing "my grandmother went on a holiday and in her suitcase she took ......." I felt it was time to launch in with a helpful comment or two from myself. These comments that i was about to proceed with, had been thoughts that had been tickling their way around my head for a few days. I said "You know this whole thing with daddy not living with us?" silence and eyes starting ..... "well it's not your fault and i wanted to remind you that it wasn't." L broke the starkness with "yeah it's your fault mum". hillarious - not. K said "na it's dad's fault." we then talked about plans - K had come up with this amazing plan of attack - to dress up and several of us (in the mission impossible team) were to knock on the back door and run away and then she would knock on the front door, he would be surprised and we would rush in the back door and tie him up. we'd bring him to where we live now. I love their plan. it cracks me up that they can have 'strategy' for saving our world.
I just ended the fun conversation of our 'surprise attack' with: "that is a great plan". "what else can we do to help daddy, that doesn't involve stealing him?". I simply reminded them about God's plans for our lives and how they are good. I kindly suggested we could pray for him even more, together.
It was a great moment. it soon moved onto - "can we please read the Horse and his boy?"
The picture of coffee and delicious things is some melting moments that i made this week. i'd been so keen to try to make them and i did. Boy they hit the spot.
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