The girls got given walkie talkies for Christmas. What seemed like an amazing pressie for them, turned out to be a wonderful gift for us all.
Funny thing being in London: There are a lot of things to do yet it’s harder to find ‘outdoorsie’ things, as the temperature is quite low around town!
My bro took us to a park, which was all ‘land’, but with the added bonus of herds (?) of deer, we were loving that. Livvy was keen to chase the deer with her Uncle even after we read the sign about not going too close to Bambi.
But on another particular day in London, it was particularly cold so the ‘park’ option was out. We got to thinking and wondered if we could play some kind of ‘hide and seek’ game down the street amongst the shops, using our new toys as the main mode of communication. Suddenly our idea developed and we had made up a fab game, which needed to be played completely inside a 4 story department store. This game we made up was a cross between hide’n’seek, 20 questions and ‘go-home-stay-home’. It was hilarious and exciting. We hid in teams and the losing team were the one who took loads of questions to find the other team, all within lingerie, shoes, fragrance, more shoes, homewear and a cafe. I really had to keep my focus. Nobody seemed to mind us playing our adventure in their store. Infact I found some of the workers rather helpful. Some were perhaps jealous of our new toy, which has a 3km range.
I guess as this is the last week of being here, I’m thinking some things: I’m thinking that it doesn’t matter what we do, we seem to have a great time being together. The temperature was 3 degrees today and the girls were happily going along with what matt and I had told them: We were all going out for coffee and then to a movie, which was a movie for adults. The girls would play on the ground with their toys while we enjoyed the movie. No complaints, just acceptance. We had tricked them a ‘goodie’ and took them to see ‘Bedtime stories’ which was a fantastic watch.
I guess that sums it up. Being together, through rough and good times, strengthens our bond and our love for one another.
London is fun and fantastic and different. But what is the best is being with them. My family.
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