We’ve been singing “I’m 5, I’m 5, I’m a big boy now I’m 5!” and you don’t even crack when I try to trick you with the ‘boy’ bit. You are 5 and are so ready for it!
I am so glad of you Liv. You make me smile so much and now you are 5. There will be more smiles this year.
When I take the time to be with you, down at your level, it’s so worth it. The gems of creativity and thought come flying out, I’m hopeful your teachers and peers get to see that this year.
I am in awe of your thoughtfulness, your responsible attitude in daunting tasks, when you say: “I can’t do it” and you jolly well can. I love it how you love the truth in black or white, how you love to do wee tricks and how you absolutely love people! I’m sorry when people don’t react the way you expect them too, but I’m glad you have been taught to smile and greet people so they feel special. You are a darling at that!
I am sorry for the times when I’ve used my growly voice, way too much and when you have to block your ears. I am thankful for your graciousness towards me and how you can pray and make my world seem at peace for a few great moments.
I trust you will make the most of being 5 and that as much as I feel I help you by being your mummy, that by being who God has made you to be, you will bless me just as much.
You are a cracker Liv, you are a funny wee poppet who makes jokes and who gets others jokes. I pray that God would bless you and that he would keep you and that he would make his face shine upon you. I pray that the deep yearnings of your heart would be met this year and that you would understand that nothing is too difficult for God and that He has great and awesome plans for us.
Love u my precious girl.
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