Again I have an assignment due and I haven’t started. But I’ve had thoughts again and again and have lacked the time to get them down in my on-line journal. I read other peoples blogs, ones who have committed themselves to writing daily and I feel exhausted by that! But I love reading them and I know this is a super thing for me to do.
I’m feeling a bit dumb. Loving being a mum doing what I’m doing (helping at church, walking for fitness, catching up with people hopefully encouraging them and cleaning the house of course) but feel a little like a dumbo for doing just that. I don’t even know what I’d do given the chance. My mum encouraged me to get a retail job the other day – because I’m good with people. It would have to be the right one. I think I’d hate tidying clothes up but I’d love helping people find what looks good on them. What about a job that helps males shop for clothes? That could be fun. Probably the most satisfied I’ve ever felt is when I’ve worked with kids in teaching. But do I need to go back to what I’ve known? Is this a fresh chance for something new? I have no idea.
So I feel a little bit overwhelmed by things like – ‘where will we live next year if the landlord doesn’t make our beautiful house warmer?’ and ‘what will I do for work?’ and ‘what will I do when the two years is up from being separated from the boy I married’ and ‘do I sell my car?’ etc. These are annoying but important questions for me at the mo.
I want to give all this to the King of my heart who is our God. Your plans are good, may I be reminded of that more and more as we approach the end of the year. I turn my face to You.

K you turned 7 last Fri.
You are such a blessing. You make me laugh and smile all at once.
I am constantly smiling inside and out when you surprise me with a cuddle in bed and you don’t just want to lie there, you want to be close!
I saw you reading in a tree the other day, with two cushions and a towel to help.
I love your brain and how it ticks. You articulate yourself well even in the midst of a ‘mummy’ storm. Last night you cleared the heavy atmosphere with just one sentence. I was humbled and the truth was bought to the light. I need you. Our family needs you. You are amazing.
You are a beautiful writer, a creative storyteller and player, one who loves time by herself or time with scrillions of others.
You care for the lost or the lonely.
You have a moral conscience which I pray keeps getting built by His ways.

You have a cute dress sense yet you don’t mind getting mucky to have fun.
You are a princess. You ask questions of yourself without even speaking – do I look pretty? Am I good enough for this?
You sometimes doubt your ability but are learning to persevere and see success.
You love adventure. You want adventure. You dance and sing for us, sometimes without even knowing. You can change the atmosphere of a room just by being YOU.
I adore you. I’m sorry when I’m rough towards you and when I don’t notice you need something from me. I pray that I would know more and more how to help you and how to be with you. I love it that you want to do stuff with me. Thanks for wanting to ride or scooter into town to climb trees or have a fluffy with me.

My prayer for you is that you would stay soft towards the God who is your Heavenly Dad. I pray that you would know Him and His unlimited love for you. I pray that you would be someone that hears his Word and obeys it, one day giving your life up for His Kingdom.
Happy Birthday my precious girl. You are still as cute today as you were when you were born. May you always turn your face to the King

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