It’s been so busy (of which I’m mostly glad) I’ve been kept from really touching base with my heart. I’m not sure what I think of the last weekends happenings. I’m kind of not even sure how to process it.
Instead I’ve started a wee job.
Had a darling ones birthday celebration, dance classes and school picnics,

Organised and executed a party (with some particularly bratty 6 year olds), followed by ‘have-a-go’ cricket for both the sweethearts, all with the daddy present (so grateful for that visual reminder of recent pain – not)

And been exceptionally tired (not just because I read Miley Cyrus’s biography in a few hours!).
Hopeful for a slightly more down-to-earth (yet calling out heavenwards) week even though we include trialling girls brigade, more dance lessons, cricket and homework. Mothers are miracle workers at times, I feel.

Well done mothers. My mum was here this week and she is amazing. I hope that whatever your week has held, mother or not, you are finding solace for yourself even if it is reading a few chapters of an easy read like the above. Whatever it is, I hope for time for you, to do something kind for your heart. I hope that for myself too. Where are you big heart and what is happening with you?
I’ve been a bit agro at a few things, like why the weather has been rainy when I need it to be sun-filled (‘so confused sometimes God’! ….. a line from a prayer whispered today). The agro has to lead me to Him. Even though the weather was not what I needed, the outcome was one hundred times better than expected. Ta muchly for that surprise Father G.
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