Not sure about the new layout of the page, a bit much lace, but i seemed to have some weird things coming up on my page so needed to do something!
Long time no write .......
Had a fabulous week a few weeks ago. But in between that week and now i do remember some other funny things, like how L (the 6 year old) jumped up and down, naked, showing me how she had big hooters. She didn't call them that please note. I laughed. Today she told me mine were the biggest in the world and i laughed again knowing that not to be true! That same child told me about how to kiss. She made me be the boy (this was a marriage kiss please note) and i had to have my head on a certain angle going in. She kept her head straight and provided a lovely kiss. Apparantly those kisses only happen once, thank you movies!!
Over the last few weeks i've had the joy of seeing some wonderful friends, all whose names start with A. Thanks Ange and Andrew for the wonderful weekend when you came to stay, joy joy i say!
Thanks Abs for the blissful time of fun in Auckland, it was fun because i was with you! Lovely lovely to see Alex, my cousy, with her new babe. Delightful lamb-like chuckles came from the wee babe Cael as he tried to sleep.
So the week that was so great was a week that stretched me in my faith. I have enjoyed a closer encounter with my God over the last few years, just being more at home with chatting away to Him and realising His ever-present nearness in times of quiet and pain. It's been good. I was challenged recently in how else i acted out my faith. So my weekly-praying friend prayed about it on Monday and then Tues it all started.
I got asked to speak at church. It took me about 12 hours to say yes, which meant i had only 3 days left to prep. ahhhhhh, what an opportunity. one i hadn't been invited into for a few years. Then i recall praying as i walked down the drive at school, heading to teach a few kids about God in Religious Ed time, about teaching and how i hadn't committed to getting back into it (just one of those other thoughts floating around this head of mine!). No sooner had i started teaching, than i got asked by the normal classroom teacher to fill in, she was sick, suddenly!
My friend answered for me - "Yes she'll do it" as i was a bit stunned, and also thinking about how this particular day was the one day i'd wanted and had devoted to getting prepped for Sunday speaking at church. My incredibly insightful, faith-filled friend just told me to trust God. So i taught. I was chucked in the deep end, no plan really, but a wonderful confirming day.
And the story finishes with a fabulous experience for me where i wanted to trust God more and i had plenty of opportunity to do that. Teaching, preaching. Sunday went so well, felt like i was at home sharing about God with loads of people, got encouraged and had fun (bonus).
My friend Ros reminded at the beginning of the week about blind Bartimaeus and how Jesus asked him what he wanted. He simply said he wanted to see. That week I asked Jesus simply to help me do a good job with sharing. to be confident and for it not to be hard to prepare (esp considering the short time frame). He cares so much about me. He cares so much about You.
I guess I write this to remind me later on when i may forget, that He is into me. That He has made me the way I am. That he uses me to help others, even through my own pain or situation.
He is good.
Hey there,
What a great post - I love how God is speaking to you on this. He wants you for you. He loves us all just as we are. It's been a big thing for me recently. Just as I am.
Oh Sez this post made me do big smiles and high fives for you! So simply wonderful to hear how God is lovingly stretching you and using you in your gifts and all because he loves you so much. Such a beautiful story how, even through pain and heartache, he still provides opportunity for you to say 'yes' and to trust him. Awesome.
You are beautiful and an inspiration XO
Big love to you and yo gals from dirty ol' London-town xxx
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