Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Twas the time around Christmas .....

It's raining a lot - i'm wondering if that is happening all around the world and not just on the sunny Gold Coast of Australia.  Pouring down, no stopping, nothing to do but go to the shops and read books.  Crazy.  
Of course I packed for summer weather so i'm glad it's not cold with the rain!  We've tried twice in the last two days to take the kids out biking etc and as we get to the place it starts opening up on us again! Oh dear, how sad.  How mad!  Luckily my bro has a few flat screen tv's set up around his home for various movie watching experiences or Xbox 360 game playing.  

I know it's snowing itself in London and Paris, hope you are having a lovely restful time Matty and Sez.  Merry Christmas again my lovely ones.  

No photos at the mo, haven't put any on my brothers computer but may try later.  

(coming up - the reflective kind-of saddy part of the last few days) Chrissy day was nice of course, i only cried twice in the morning anticipating my babes leaving for a few nights.  Mum and karley (sister'n'law and friendy) sat with me as i had a few teary moments.  I also had times feeling pretty useless as a single mum thinking i'd only bought them ridiculously small (travel safe) presents and felt even worse when L wondered where the big present was.  I justify my choice by saying that kids get so much stuff and they should be glad of the lovely gifts they were given, but on the side-line of my own coaching I somehow feel a bit sad about the lack of 'big present'.  Because they are part of a separated family situation now, they seem to get double the amount of presents that any normal kid would receive, so it wasn't so bad for them I'm sure (santa bought them a WII for them at their Dad's place ......).

Walking some of this life is stony ground, not ground walked before and I should expect there will be disappointment along the way or perhaps feelings of not being 'good enough'.  The truth is - they got heaps of pressies and they are blessed.  It's just me own feelings of inadequacy i need to hit away with a baseball bat.  Shall do that!

I missed having a husband or special man friend buy for me.  I opened two gifts which were awesome and the next day i got to spend some money from my precious ma.  It felt a bit empty but i came face to face with that and I understand that as reality.  It's lovely being with my bro and his wife. I miss the silly jokes and the having a side-kick to share with.  

Poor girls were pretty sad after saying bye to their dad.  K even prayed that we would get back together.  She hasn't prayed that for a long long time.  Didn't feel it was the appropriate time to share that their Dad had got the divorce papers last yr (with my help at finally doing it) and it was all finito.  

This is Christmas for us.  Cut in half with a visit to the other parent, Double presents, enough to start a toy shop, some tears from at least one parent.  I'm probably not enjoying that reality - something that will happen every year for awhile.  I am comforted that others do it and that they do it well and maybe i can be cheered by their examples or their testimonies.  But our reality brings me pain.  I have to accept that and walk that rocky road at times. 

(the cheerier end to the write-up) On the bright side, there is also delicious food, time with beautiful people, and this year there was this one nice wee treat:  
Bayleys, Tolblerone, cream Liqueurs (not sure how to spell that sorry).  As we came through duty free we got to taste this sensation.  I told older bro about it and he popped out to get the necessary goodies.  I enjoyed a pretty similiar experience at my very own brothers home, at Christmas.  Chunks of ice, tolblerone, loads of cream and a hint of baileys.  Bliss @ Chriss.  

(oh and I got my very first Le Cruset Casserole dish - how bliss at Chriss is that!  A nice wee chrissy pressy paid for by a few sweet peeps!  It is one beautiful dish.  Just need some great casserole recipes for that, ready for winter cooking on my fireplace all day!)

Like this quote ..... to finish off with .....
One does not always have to wait for something out of the ordinary. The all-important thing is to keep your eyes on what comes from God and to make way for it to come into being here on the earth. If you always try to be heavenly and spiritually minded, you won't understand the everyday work God has for you to do. But if you embrace what is to come from God, if you live for Christ's coming in practical life, you will learn that divine things can be experienced here and now, things quite different from what our human brains can ever imagine.


Brigitte said...

Hey you gorgeous lady, have been thinking of you this Christmas! Pleased to hear you made it to the Gold Coast safely but sad to hear of your pain when having to face at Christmas all that comes with a divorce... :(
You are an INCREDIBLE lady and I honestly don't know how you do it. I already see that you are doing this INCREDIBLY WELL and that your testimony is so very powerful and spills over with God's comfort, strength, provision, love and blessing.
Hoping you have a really fun-filled time for the rest of your Aussie holiday! Sending you an ever-so-big hug from London Town xox

Gail said...

Hey sweets, pray that you are having an amazing time in the Gold Coast - rain and all.
I want to echo Brigitte's comments.... you are walking through this with a strength that I admire from afar. God's strength. You are incredible.

Have a wonderful, blessed, joy-filled New Year. You are loved (from peeps who have never met you even!!) - God has so much good stuff in store!!