Saturday, December 31, 2011

Onesies - how do you spell that?

Over the last few weeks - Uncle M from the land of London town has been visiting us and our new onesies (pretty much I wish i had some like these but alas i don't - so cute!!)

It has been all smiles, smiles for miles with the fun and enlargement he provides.

The girls have loved water sports, silly antics, cracker pulling,  singing together, watching movies and the list goes on ...

I've enjoyed time, wine tasting, shopping, watching dexter (scary), laughs, more time and more to look forward too.  

Thanks Matt, Uncle, bro, son and friend.  You are wonderful.  K sighed as she realised she wouldn't see you again for a few weeks. L cried.  So cute.

Just like these onesies.

Looking back to move forward?

If I was going to make some NYR, I'd keep it simple and not have too many.

I'd spend more time looking up next year, in prayer or simply waiting, time on the couch maybe whilst listening to some music to connect with my God.  I run too much on my own petrol, my own thoughts which can be silly at times.  Need His influence more and more.

I'd climb a few more trees (or similiar activities with my babes) rather than keeping the house as tidy

I'd keep hanging with people who give me life.

I'd take more photos

I'd wear more dresses or I'll just wear the dresses I have, more.
with heels of course

Hoping for a good start to next year.
Hoping for you too.  
No pressure at all.  Simple, hopeful, something to work towards xx

Thursday, December 15, 2011

movin on up

Moving on .... here's a great wee story of yesterday

I was out doing the rubbish or something exciting like that and i discovered this fantastic gift basket sent from some friends in England. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to me.  Precious.  Delicious surprise treats which one wouldn't often buy for oneself.

But wait, there's more. 
Same morning, ten minutes later.......
I discover a secret santa has visited.  
I leave it (as it's not for me) and let the girls know that when they are ready for school - there is a special surprise for them. 
Kindly and funly enough they thought it was to get a look at one of my roses that had bloomed.  yeah, no, not that!

Down at the letterbox, with a picture of santa on the front, were a few wee surprises.

A beautiful homemade card and a fun present full of goodies.
Delight and surprise all on the same morning. oh so nice.

So nice!  

I likened moving on (a little more info on the title of this post), despite the situation you are in, as like being in the middle of a storm but somehow being at the calmest part of the deep ocean you are in.  Down below maybe, but where it is still and where the waves can't get you (with some flippin good breathing equipment).
I feel His presence and I really like it. He calms my heart when I worry and as a child would sing that song "he's got the whole world in his hands".....  I guess i feel that, for me, right here in the little city i live in. He's got my back.
And maybe, in a beautiful way, he turns up as a secret santa or as a lucious gift basket to say, "Hello, I'm here and I've got it".

So nice.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Joyful Joyful

I read a blog lately where the author commented on how much she loved Christmas.  It made me want to get re-envigorated for it and so i've started. 
  It is a bit of a silly season in some ways, but there are beautiful things which I try to thread through into our lives.

This year it's the new advent tree that I created, the first child to see the days little parcel pegged up, is the one allowed to open up and see what's inside. It ! way better in the non-photo version (ah loving two toned twine).

I'm trialling a thing called the Jesse tree which precious Pip (friend of yonks) told me about.  The best ideas are often from my pals.  We read a section of the Story most days for advent and the girls colour in matching decorations to make our own Jesse Tree.  It's good so far, hoping the novelty won't wear thin.

Ah the home-made wreath.  A little bit of yummy.

The disco-ball tree and matching corner


The Immanuel nativity.  Always reminding, God with us.


Hope Christmas isn't the silly season for you but that there are incredible moments of remembering and loving in the reason for the season.


(PS Shell, hoping your woollen nativity is doing it's thang in your whare at present x)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Spoilt rotten plus plus

Had a wee trip to the big City this weekend with these two gorgeous honeys!

High tea for the ladies, making one feel lucious and delicate with the help of a cocktail and mandarin enhanced tea

Perfect timing for me, just what the doc ordered.  Funny how things work out in a timely fashion

Loads of laughs, incredible shopping and fantastic company 
a special wee trip with gazillions of surprises and blessins

Thank you you two, you are true beauty's inside and out
I adore it that you are real, can laugh about the fun stuff (mama bear making everything work, what's done on tour, stays on tour .....), that you love MAC and shoes as much as I
and that you encourage me beyond belief.

I was spoilt rotten - thank you a million times over, big love to you both xx


Thursday, November 10, 2011

No regrets

Absolutely none when it comes to these new puppies ......  all the way from England ...... mamma claus brought them back on her return.  So delicious - the stitching, the height, the wedge, the inside detail.
Breathe Sarah ....

Always so glad of these two munchkins.  Kai I write this for you as nine years ago you popped (well that is prob a slight under-exaggeration) into my world and you've filled it ever since.  Look at your gorgeous big eyes, lucious long eye lashes and legs to match!  But there's more to you than your beautiful outward appearance.

There's the real true you, the girl who writes lists of activities or chores she needs to do,
the older sister who tries to listen attentively to the younger one without interrupting,
the babe with the careful attention to detail in putting outfits together,
the tree climbing, soccer ball playing, bar hanging child who sings like it's second nature and plays the keys like she's her mummas girl.

The girl with a pile of books by her bed, an art activity on the go, a game outside always involving a tree  and moments of sweet whispers and kisses just for her ma.

I appreciate how you welcome others to our home like they are our new best friends, how you love-on younger children who are in your reach, and I particularly love how you have add-on ideas that often change our current view or plan of action.  You are a blessing.
You are fun.  You are a rascal sometimes.
You are clever and smart, beautiful inside and out, you make fart jokes whenever you can and you can argue with the best of them.

I am so thankful to God for you Kaiya Grace.  I am a very proud mumma.
I am also so grateful that you and Liv got given these great reads on Grandma's return.  
Look at them Amy - many suggested by you!  
Thanks for the pressies for us in the form of letters on pages, overseas book buying people!  The library is open.

No regrets Kaiya Grace, none ever.  

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Birthday Bliss?!

My oldest babes birthday party yesterday.
Worked all day prepping for it, as you do.
Balloons and tinsel went up, table settings to make things look pwerty, fun wee gifts for girls to win, flower (chupa chup cup cakes), sprinkle sandwiches, little sausages in little buns, make your own kebabs and bucket loads of games (and money!).
Ah such delight in planning.  Such joy for my babe.

Nothing could prepare me for the two hours of 9 year old character traits and out-of-controlness.

End of the day:  exhausted, annoyed, disappointed mother, thinking wee guests were rude and quite painful.  Sounds awful doesn't it?!  Party girl reflecting, thinking it wasn't the party she had expected.  Felt that no one had really cared for the party girl. That other friends had taken over and bossed everyone round. At one point the party girl went and hid in a tree. Phew, the mother thought she didn't notice how bad it was!  Party girl went to bed dwelling on how dumb party was.  Mother came in to remind her of good things that were and to plan for better time next time.  Maybe not so many girls, maybe not some of the original list of girls, maybe no party (he he).

Not truly sure what went wrong.  But don't want another one of those.  My control-freak nature couldn't handle the fact that no-one was listening to my clear instructions for the games, kids were running riot and all i could think of was - flippin heck when will this be over?!  I will laugh about it soon i'm sure.
The redeeming thing, i had to quickly think of to tell my sweet gal (who was also a wee part of the rascally behaviour at the party - if you can't beat em, join em!), was that her real birthday is tomorrow and we can have a really special day.

I talked with my mum today, back from England after 5 weeks, and she reassured me that all was fine and that it would be different next time.  Ah mothers, they are so right and so needed as voices in the ears of party girls.

Love from the girl who really loves parties and is ready to plan her own now that the just about 9 year old has had hers.  xx

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear friend

Dear Morag (not well-known as another name for Sarah, but true - according to my old coffee cup with sarah meanings on it)

Here are some happenings of late.  For you to catch up on me and my life and for me to remind myself of some goodness - hence the letter is written to two sarah's, two beautiful sarah's.  You and me. he he.

K has called me rainforest a few times. She is cheerfully refering to my head of fluffy hair at the end of the day as she ruffles her hands through it to make it more frizz-like.
I am adoring this particular childs ability to see and even change the subject to more positive things, when negativity is so easy to run with.  

I was talking to God one morning on my way somewhere - had been thinking some not-so-friendly thoughts about myself (hadn't had some of those thoughts since me old youth days - you're a bit fat, you're a bit ugly (frizzy hair included!!)), a brief of brief convo with Him, and as my day passed, comments came from strangers and friends in the form of prayers, encouraging words and ears hearing God's message for me.  All of those messages came from people who knew nothing of the thoughts in my head.  Those words you often give to me Hera (Maori word for Sarah).  When we talk, I feel confident again, I feel encouraged and edgy.  Thank you princess.

When L broke her collar bone a few weeks ago, one thing that helped her feel better was knowing that her famous Aunty had broken hers too.  Wow, how cool was she to have done the same thing as you. I'm hoping she won't head down a childrens playground slide and come off at the end damaging her coxic bone or any of the other interesting medical hiccups you've experienced aunty H!  That in itself wasn't something anyone would love but a few things were great in those horrible moments!

K turns 9 this week - 9 years ago since you left for England, 9 years since my first babe was born.  That is a long time to be separated from you guys.  But it hasn't felt as long as it sounds.  There have been some milestones, some crappy times, some wonderful moments where we've seen our God, some drinking of wine, some cooking new recipes and some new abodes we've lived in, on both sides of the world.  

One of the incredibly special things about YOU is how you have an ability to help people see a bigger picture than their own reality.  You have magnifying eyes, like you put a magnifying glass up to others faces so they can see things they wouldn't have seen before, a gift.  You have always seen things in me that i've not seen.  Thank you for encouraging me.  

K is having a roller blading party, most things being done on roller blades. She is so excited.  Then the next weekend she has two parties on the same day and a piano concert.  To help her be organised for this, she has written a wee note, like a programme of what her day of busyness will look like.  Sometimes when i ask her to do a few things, she writes them down so she can tick them off.  What a gem.  Do you remember when she was born?  You sent me home-made cardy-posters with verses and handwritten encouragements.  I often tell Liv about when she was born, how we didn't quite have a name for her.  You rung again to speak with me at the hospital and told me i had to hurry up with the name thing and you basically came up with her name, of which we said YES and that as it. she was named Olivia Kate.  Thank you for helping me name my second babe.  I know that is a beautiful name because of where it came from.  You are so special to us Sarah.

Sarah may the gift of encouragement that God has given you, be used in crazy great ways to stir people on to great things in their life.  May you know the blessing of serving people in that way, speaking when maybe they feel they have no direction or breath to breathe. May you breathe life into them with the exhorting words you have floating around that incredible mind of yours.

L is pulling the funniest faces at the moment. she is like a wee drama student trying out silly faces on people, mostly me.  I hope you get to see some when you pop over in a few months.  She is a gifted facial comedian.  She is also gifted in having something wrong with her most weeks - blurry eye one week, sore foot the next.  I'm hoping your medical expertise will put that all right.  The broken collar bone has eased that pressure for at least 6 weeks so i'm hoping we'll milk that till Christmas.  

Best go Hera, Morag, Sez, Sezzy, Sarah.  Love you big time, long time, all time.  See you VERY SOON.  See Matt VERY VERY SOON.  Thank you God.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

turning a corner

This year has been a tricky one for me.
Not easy (not that it should be).  Painfully normal.
It's September and I've been feeling more and more like my word for 2011 was OVER.  Not a more positive word - I was  feeling like life was all OVER the place.
Not Somewhere over the rainbow.
More like Woman overboard.
Over it.
Over and out.

But today I feel like i did the above, turned a corner.
Several things contributed to the turnover i experienced today.
I invited quite a few wonderful people for lunch, changed a few things round in my house, my current situation got recognised by precious friends and spoken about and we as a family were more than ourselves today.  I was hugged, loved and encouraged by others today.
Life felt again, that it was bigger than myself.
Overwhelmed.  A bit teary.

I began to feel like spring was entering my mind and body, like I was thawing out and experiencing the  new.  I haven't felt like this for a long time. It feels good.

His banner over me is love.
Over and over and over again He turns up, he shows up for me.
It's been a bland year. A hard year. But it's not over yet.

(photos are a few small areas in our home that I adore x)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

love these cow-gals!!

Make-up, costumes, candy floss and more of that goodness made for a recent fun evening out.
Eating K-bars, bobbing for apples, riding a mechanical bull along with other western stuff was right up these lassies alleys.  Tickled pink.

My heart kind of stopped this last week with some things that came flying our way.
Felt like I was experiencing a ride on that mechanical bull all week (having only my imagination to picture or feel what that would be like as I'd missed out on my turn due to the denim number i was wearing that evening)

Things that made me feel insignificant and a tiny bit useless. A bit agro at my babes.
Things that made me want to hire a hit-man (a kind one) to get my kids back into line!!

One was over-tired and therefore rather sensitive to anything out of the ordinary.  I reacted like a bull in a china shop.  Hillarious for on-lookers or perhaps an eye opening experience.

A mum of three older girls came round and gently encouraged me with her wisdom of sensitive 
cow-girls who are parenting slightly different than others .....

And another one had been causing girli-fights at skool and when sent information about this via text message, I went a bit flappy again. Ah my wee girls weren't behaving (he he)!

This kind of stuff throws me off a bit, i tend to over-react and then want to run for the hills.
Prayer with others, encouragement and hindsight, truth and perspective .....
are all things that helped our week feel like it was just a bump in the road of our lives
and that my sweet pink-lipped gals 
are pretty normal. 
It's probably their mum that needs her head read more!
I really appreciated my friend popping round to talk about parenting.  I loved asking another to pray when i was on the phone with her.  Thanks Shell. 
 Any thoughts/ideas/prayers etc are always welcome here!