Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear friend

Dear Morag (not well-known as another name for Sarah, but true - according to my old coffee cup with sarah meanings on it)

Here are some happenings of late.  For you to catch up on me and my life and for me to remind myself of some goodness - hence the letter is written to two sarah's, two beautiful sarah's.  You and me. he he.

K has called me rainforest a few times. She is cheerfully refering to my head of fluffy hair at the end of the day as she ruffles her hands through it to make it more frizz-like.
I am adoring this particular childs ability to see and even change the subject to more positive things, when negativity is so easy to run with.  

I was talking to God one morning on my way somewhere - had been thinking some not-so-friendly thoughts about myself (hadn't had some of those thoughts since me old youth days - you're a bit fat, you're a bit ugly (frizzy hair included!!)), a brief of brief convo with Him, and as my day passed, comments came from strangers and friends in the form of prayers, encouraging words and ears hearing God's message for me.  All of those messages came from people who knew nothing of the thoughts in my head.  Those words you often give to me Hera (Maori word for Sarah).  When we talk, I feel confident again, I feel encouraged and edgy.  Thank you princess.

When L broke her collar bone a few weeks ago, one thing that helped her feel better was knowing that her famous Aunty had broken hers too.  Wow, how cool was she to have done the same thing as you. I'm hoping she won't head down a childrens playground slide and come off at the end damaging her coxic bone or any of the other interesting medical hiccups you've experienced aunty H!  That in itself wasn't something anyone would love but a few things were great in those horrible moments!

K turns 9 this week - 9 years ago since you left for England, 9 years since my first babe was born.  That is a long time to be separated from you guys.  But it hasn't felt as long as it sounds.  There have been some milestones, some crappy times, some wonderful moments where we've seen our God, some drinking of wine, some cooking new recipes and some new abodes we've lived in, on both sides of the world.  

One of the incredibly special things about YOU is how you have an ability to help people see a bigger picture than their own reality.  You have magnifying eyes, like you put a magnifying glass up to others faces so they can see things they wouldn't have seen before, a gift.  You have always seen things in me that i've not seen.  Thank you for encouraging me.  

K is having a roller blading party, most things being done on roller blades. She is so excited.  Then the next weekend she has two parties on the same day and a piano concert.  To help her be organised for this, she has written a wee note, like a programme of what her day of busyness will look like.  Sometimes when i ask her to do a few things, she writes them down so she can tick them off.  What a gem.  Do you remember when she was born?  You sent me home-made cardy-posters with verses and handwritten encouragements.  I often tell Liv about when she was born, how we didn't quite have a name for her.  You rung again to speak with me at the hospital and told me i had to hurry up with the name thing and you basically came up with her name, of which we said YES and that as it. she was named Olivia Kate.  Thank you for helping me name my second babe.  I know that is a beautiful name because of where it came from.  You are so special to us Sarah.

Sarah may the gift of encouragement that God has given you, be used in crazy great ways to stir people on to great things in their life.  May you know the blessing of serving people in that way, speaking when maybe they feel they have no direction or breath to breathe. May you breathe life into them with the exhorting words you have floating around that incredible mind of yours.

L is pulling the funniest faces at the moment. she is like a wee drama student trying out silly faces on people, mostly me.  I hope you get to see some when you pop over in a few months.  She is a gifted facial comedian.  She is also gifted in having something wrong with her most weeks - blurry eye one week, sore foot the next.  I'm hoping your medical expertise will put that all right.  The broken collar bone has eased that pressure for at least 6 weeks so i'm hoping we'll milk that till Christmas.  

Best go Hera, Morag, Sez, Sezzy, Sarah.  Love you big time, long time, all time.  See you VERY SOON.  See Matt VERY VERY SOON.  Thank you God.

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