Sunday, March 27, 2011

surrounded by beauty

Was challenged a few weekends ago, 
to remember to balance my life with social stuff 
and 'business'.  
New job has meant more meetings out at night, which has been important but
has meant i've been tired for other stuff.  On reflection, i feel i'd lost my zing for life!

It feel like it took me ages to realise this truth.....
but a simple sentence from a valued pal or two, has reminded me of the beauty of 
fun, parties, doing stuff together.

A night outside with a lamb roasted, mosquito's buzzing, fantastic company.  Laughs and a good dose of Bridget Jones.

And tonight, polka dots, black canvas place mats, candles and serviettes to match ..... our wee family (eating left over lambchop), remembering good times and looking forward to more stuff in our future.

Beauty is indeed everywhere, stopping to create it or admire it is vital.  It's been a life-line for me over these past few days. 

Putting effort into creating beautiful moments with equally beautiful people has helped me not feel like we are this small litttle unit of 3.  We are more because of our family and friends. 

Our next thing is to have a daylight saving party on Sat- we're having kids on wheels in the couldersack with parents drinking wine or whatever,
human noughts and crosses and possibly hiding dessert around our garden for the kids to find.
Even if we don't get all that organised, at least we'll be doing something fun and for no particular reason except for 'being together'.

I feel particularly stupid at times,
forgetting one of the very things that makes me, me.
And i'd gotten too busy (hate that word) being busy. 
I'd forgotten. 
But friends/comrades/companions in this life, 
reminded me. 

Love them ........   Love helping them ...... Love doing life with them.

1 comment:

Brigitte said...

Oh LOVE this post you beautiful lady!
Good on you for recognising the 'busy' signs and intentionally stopping to smell the roses and enjoy their beauty.
You are incredibly inspiring and I think of you often! When can we live closer so we can have coffe/wine dates?? :)
Big big hugs to you and your precious girls who are getting so grown up and GORGEOUS!! xox