Making and eating rocky road that had biscuit in it, rather than lots of red fruit. Yum man.
Liv confessing to kissing her friend Josh, in his bedroom. She’s 5. It was his suggestion this time. A pleasant surprise.
Feeling Ok with the knowledge about myself, in my vulnerable state. Being ok with just knowing it and not having any particular answers.
Learning that disullussionment comes from having an original illusion. Not necessarily coming from reality. Interesting.
Watching ‘The proposal’ at the movies with my mum this week, amongst many other good ones recently. Oh definitely a highlight was watching ‘Swiss family Robinson’ today with my girls. It was delightful, wonderful and so great for my memory bank. Loved watching the trees falling down the bank to knock the pirates out.
Smoked chicken being on special.
Getting two bottles of wine given to me this week and loads of generous friends buying me coffee. I am so grateful.
Having a gut-wrenching, argumentative talk with the husband who is not wanting to be one. That situation turning around (through prayers and sensible thinking!) with quiet, calm, sensibly explained scenarios, with apologies, some jokes even and a promise of the beloved trampoline being returned one day soon. A miracle. A heart wrench. A good move on the chess board of our lives.
Making cake for a café manager and his family. It being received so gratefully. That was cool.
Realising I need to be home more, to just be. I’m out like all the time, which I love, but thinking I’m a bit tired and need to rest up a bit in my delicious home.
Enjoying ringing friends and having them stay. It’s been a bless!
Painting nails. I love new nail colours. One recent one is called ‘cherries in the snow’. It’s divine.
Having Lindt chocolate is for sure one of the greatest things one could devour.
Thinking about making soup. Finding great recipes for soup. Not yet making that soup. Will it be soup for my soul or just my tum?
Starting a cook book club. Finally. My idea, my crazy idea, come to pass.
Needing our house to sell. So glad we have a God who hears our prayers and also who loves to surprise us out of our socks. May my socks be knocked off!
I have an assignment due in two weeks. Not having read the book yet that the essay and practical assignment is on, I’m feeling a little like ahhhhhhh flip!
Some great movie’s I’ve also enjoyed – The Guardian, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Marley and me, Easy virtue, Last chance Harvey, A stealing movie with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen (can’t recall the name), 21, He’s just not that into you, ………..
There are more things to say apart from feeling rather bad for not having blogged for absolute ages! We are doing this unit at our kids church on how loved and accepted we are by God, our maker. And since that unit has begun I’ve had several ‘words’ about how God has not forgotten me and how he loves me, from friends who have no idea about our current topic. Simple yet poignant reminders. Then today, out of the blue, arrives a book from my sister’n’law, on how captivating I am to Him. Emmmmm, what is He trying to say to me?
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