The more it snows - tiddely-pom
The more it goes - tiddely-pom
the more it goes - tiddely-pom
on snowing
And nobody knows - tiddely-pom
how cold my toes - tiddely-pom
how cold my toes - tiddely-pom
are growing.
It's certainly cold. It's certainly nippy around the edges.
I shouldn't be amazed at how much fun can still be had in this weather.
The girls stayed home from school today and we lay in bed watching our fav movie of the month (thank you Disney for Swiss Family Robinson!), got up at lunch and had fun doing adventures while trying to keep warm. It was a delicious day.
It ended with a few cool things too - chicken pie and potato stretch (thanks caz for this bad habit!) for tea and our tradition of reading by the fire before bed. We are reading 'The house at pooh corner'. It's quite lovely and rather funny too.
Anyway before we read the next chapter, the girls wanted to have turns at singing the tiddely-pom rhyme pooh had made up. they had turns and then the creative edge i sometimes have, leapt out. "Let's pray using tiddely-pom". It felt as crazy as it sounds but the girls went for it and our prayer time was a 'cracker', considering one of them had just said "I hate praying!" Love the honesty.
It was hillarious, we laughed, we were honest with God, we had fun. He is so into that!
The coolest thing as well is that even though it's cold, and we've run out of fire wood, we saw our prayers answered (from weeks of praying and trusting). We have some firewood coming on Wenerei. Ye ha i say!
The last thing where my creative juices are needing to run is this: K commented today, just out of the blue, that she needed to do another heart for our banner in the hall. "I'm worried mum. I worry about something..... I worry about you and daddy not being together, in the dark."
My poor darling. We had a talk about it briefly, but it's in my mind and verses and ideas are popping into my mind to help. I think we (parents) always have to be aware of what's going on for our kids and always be ready (if not straight away) to process with them or help them on the right track to that.
We will have a poster making session and i'll make one on a great verse to help that will stir conversation and then we'll add our worries to the heart banner. Sounds like a plan anyway. Thank you my God that you are with Us in our pain. Thank you that you care about these wee hearts. Thank you that K expressed her heart. What a treat to see into her heart. What a worry too. I cast my cares and pray that K and L can too, because you care for us. Tiddely-pom.
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