I am loving the kind men who help out in our life! They are just incredibly amazing. The girls loved recently having a ride on this dear 'daddy' friend's back. He had chopped firewood while he and his wife and kids visited, gave us loads of stuff and let the kids use him as a horse!
The acts of kindness layer some kind of precious 'daddy' loving in my own heart. Having known the loss of a father at such a young age, i am so mindful of my own kids loss. I am thankful for any effort made by kind friends to show tugs-of-war or daddy-games to my girls.
K decided to climb a steep cliff on our recent holiday. She is a great climber but got to the top and couldn't go any further - ahhhh i had my fancy boots on, my mum (61 years old) offered to climb the great hill and halfway up she got stuck. Two beautiful men came to the rescue and saved my child and mother! It seems simple stuff, but these are layers for me, of God's goodness and his grace to us in our lack. Thank you Daddy God.

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