Sobs were coming out from L tonight. I wish that daddy lived with us. Why did you have to leave? When will he come and live with us?
These are hard q to answer but worth having a shot at with my girls. We discussed them briefly (as they were so tired and a little under the weather). We will have to process them some more over the next few days I’m thinking, but the truth was able to be shared at an age-appropriate level.
“Daddy chose that he didn’t want to live with mummy anymore and I am so sorry but I don’t know if Daddy will ever come and live with us. BUT (there is always a but – it is very necessary most of the time I’m thinking!) let’s remember the good things that our God says”. So we did. There are still questions and there are definitely worries. BUT He is our Redeemer and He is our only hope.
My favourite of all favourite men and preachie type people, preached on divorce on Sunday. So glad it was him saying the stuff he said. Divorce. The D word. Doesn’t even rhyme with anything!
Wasn’t sure how I’d cope with hearing about it but was intrigued and had a sense that all would be OK. I love that preparatory sense that God gives.
A few things I got from it – God’s boundaries and his heart for it are narrow so they protect the very thing that God has designed. They are meant to not help us run away from marriage but to turn to God and others for help.
We tend to handle our ‘situations’ on our own but as believers we can and should do it together in community.
I loved the way he worked through the bible and exeggeted the scripture well so we understood the time and place where Jesus and Matthew and Paul (1 Cor) were talking from. It was interesting and it was gracious. It wasn’t black and white and as a congregation we were encouraged that it never was.
Lastly he finished talking about the woman at the well who had 5 husbands. Jesus showed such grace to her. He didn’t judge. He helped and loved.
That was a great reminder of who He is and how we can be encouraged to act out his love in ‘community’. I haven’t given this guys preach much justice on paper, as I thought it was awesome. But it’s good for me to get down my small and various thoughts on it.
Wonder what our future holds? Wonder what it looks like and what is around that next big corner? Sometimes it’s best not even to wonder. Live each day, step by step. Live it with Him.
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