I remember the power of prayer over my life – the time a huge tree fell on a wagon we were in, crushing a young boys arm. I wasn’t strong enough to lift it and so I did the only other thing I knew to do – pray. The tree went up instantly, just enough to remove the childs arm from further harm and then it slammed back down to where it had fallen. I was in awe.
I remember the time I was marrying someone for the first time. I was so nervous. D prayed for me and instantly I was filled with peace and was absolutely fine for the wedding. Thank you God.
We are to pray, always. We don’t always see the answers we want, in the time frame we want. But prayer works, His word is true. He is faithful. I lost a beautiful clip the other day and I was so gutted. It’s only a clip but I handed that whole worrying and annoying loss over to God and was able to share with my girls that someone had found it and handed it into their school office. Cool aye.
I also recall the days when I was in the middle of the shock of d’s abandonment and all that went with that. My mum was riding in the car with me to do something and my face was melting again. Mum didn’t know what to do and I didn’t want any peep talks, so I asked her to pray. I remember her blumbering through a prayer of help for me. She was in as much shock as I was. But instantly I felt better, a weight of oppression or discomfort or pain, had lifted. Each time over that next few weeks or even months, I felt that stuff lift, each time someone prayed with me.
This week I’ve been pretty low. I’ve just been a bit sad and teary. Ma is in Australia and so I emailed not giving much info but saying I was feeling low. I asked her to pray. I think a few other people did too and I’d prayed with two friends over the phone. I woke Tues am and felt dramatically different.
I’m impacted again by the praying ‘thing’. I prayed on Sat, while walking around the streets in a down-town, lower-socio-economi area, on a course I was on. I hadn’t wanted to go to the course but so glad I did. Something was layered in me again, about God’s love and the ability we have to pray, anytime, anywhere. They talked of recognizing ‘mountains’ in peoples lives (…. You can tell that mountain to be cast into the sea ….). They compared the stats of the time American pastors pray per day (4 min) compared to Korean pastors (3 hours) and the difference in the amount of people they are seeing coming to know God. I haven’t been a regular pray-er even though I feel I pray all the time. I’ve set aside some time (it’s not like an hour or anything) each day to come to God with my family situation and my friends who don’t know God and I’m praying. It’s such a journey we are living. I don’t feel bad for not having been so regular, I feel glad that I’m moved again by God’s grace and the need to pray.
Thank you for praying for me. I really appreciate it.
This prob seems simple, and it is. But I needed it and hope you are encouraged. What did MC Hammer say? You’ve got to pray just to make it today – with a few groovy dance moves!
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