We're off to camp today. I'm the preacher, the girls are my wee helpers and we're taking a few friends to help.
I've only cried once today, but in prayer. AHHHH help me Jesus.
Haven't done this for awhile and haven't done it on my own. D was always my side-kick bob, or crusty the clown! Such a blessing he was. Missing that.
It's a great honour to be invited back. It should be a lovely change of scenery, a beach and good cafe nearby, some friends to see and some delicious children to teach about a God who loves them radically.
L had a roaring ear infection on sun hence the photo of the loving nursing sister. That same sister was devastated we had to go to the doctors instead of doing something else 'funner'. She was quietly encouraged to make a choice to serve and from that moment she was nurse nicity! An amazing server is my girl. K you were a blessing - rubbing your sisters back, making her laugh, getting her drinks and making the rough time more smooth! What a gal.
Some things i'm loving at the mo:
My new brown nail-polish - hot for chocolate. I feel a little goth but it's not black and it's so delicious like choc!
I'm loving reading cooking books, i'm loving taking the time to read them rather than them just sitting looking pretty on my bookshelves.
I'm loving having a wedding to look forward too. A chap who came through our church as a kid is getting married in a week or so. I'm excited. To dress up and to be there will be bliss.
I'm loving cinnamon danish's (pinwheel scones) from the local bakery. sadly the girls love them too so it's a big cost for that indulgence!
I'm loving cushions. What are the things you would collect if you could? I would collect more cushions and even quilts.
I'm really enjoying reading other peoples blog. finding recipes or insight is really cool. I'm slighty tired from staying up later to read them.
I'm liking how God speaks during the day, even through the freshly laden snow on the hills (in the middle of spring?! ahhhh).
I'm loving watching Pollyanna with the girls and trying to collect those kinds of classics as books for them. another thing to collect!
off to camp now ..... see you soon xx
1 comment:
Have fun gorgeous ladies!! Hope you are feeling better miss Livy - praying for that nasty ear infection to leave.
Love you all
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