Camp came and went. The girls had a bliss time with a horse ride included and a crazy, wild ride on a wagon that wobbles. I did the job myself, that I’d previously done with d, telling kids about the amazing love of God. It was fun. It was tiring. I was sick at the same time. I mostly loved it.
I talked a lot about journey and wanted them to know that God wanted to join them on their journey through life. I majored on this and just about forgot to invite them to start their journey with Him. You have to have a start mark. The challenge is not even to start I guess, but to choose daily that He would be the centre of the mobile of our lives. I heard many kids pray and ask Jesus to be their saviour, maybe for the first or 7th time, but there were kids deciding to start their journey with God that night. Very cool. I first asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life when I was 4, in the bath with my brother and my Dad praying with us. I remember many other occasions deciding to do it again. All good memories!
Since the camp fun, I’ve been stuck in bed with pneumonia. It’s been incredible to be able to rest so much, having my delicious mumby helping out with the girls.
I’ve had delightful times with them too. L offering to sleep the night with me promising not to wriggle but to just kiss and cuddle me all night. Prayers from them both asking God not to let me die. Thank you Lord.
Helpful munchkins bringing me breakfast in bed, watching mama mia with me, reading me stories and being happy to cuddle up in bed with me, during their holidays.
We read Max Lucado’s, ‘The Special Gift’ where the Wemmicks are given gifts from Eli. Each gift is something that the individual Wemmick loves doing – a guitar, some paint, a new wooden spoon. After we begin reading I ask the girls what they believe their special gift is, that God has given them. K says climbing. Very true. She is great at it and one day may be able to help someone stuck up high! L says ‘Life’.
Such a deep one. Not even sure what it means. But she was sure, repeated it later even. Maybe giving life to people or something.

One night during the last week, K had come home and not wanted to eat dinner complaining of a sore tummy. I went along with it but she was asked to sit with us at the table. Funny thing, she comes into the lounge after dinner and bursts into tears, fessing up that she had lied as she didn’t want to eat the roast vegetables (what?). Now she was hungry. I gave her a joyful hug and congratulated her on her honesty. I said I would heat her up some dinner but while she was waiting I asked her to talk to Jesus about her lie. I shared the verse from 1 John where it says if we ‘fess’ up our stuff, he forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Like having a bath from all the dirt!
The happier, truthful girl, ate her tea later with joy. She knew she was right with her family and right with her God.

To finish the week, the week where I thought I’d be in hospital, I got to go with our family, to a wedding of a dear friend who we’d had in church since he was about 11. Also seeing all the cool cats from that time in our life too, was amazing.

It was a joy, a beautiful wedding, I got to pray for the couple in my husky pnemonia voice. It was a loss not being able to stay for the party part but I was so grateful for the miracle of being well enough to even go.
D was there too. It was weird but good. It wasn’t too uncomfortable. Heaps of people talked with him so I hope that was good for his heart. Who knows apart from God maybe, what going on in his heart but my heart was lifted this week when we talked on the phone and he said he hoped I felt better soon. I feel like a fool saying that that was a good thing, but in the world I’ve been living in for nearly two years, it was a good and lovely comment.
Thanks God for the small things and the big things. You are always so good.
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