Perhaps a short one too (yeah right!).
Overwhelmed due to:
the end of the marriage
the mostly pleasant conversation that was had
the texts, prayers, love and help from my pals and whanau
free from that person and all that it held (ahhh what does that look like)
the realisation of permanent singleness for this time
the crazy crying that keeps happening
not wearing wedding rings
the thought of moving on
And in all of this, i feel and know it's gonna be OK.
Funny. Wow.
Some of the painful things that were said, i've had to balance out with the truth that I know and that i'm told by close ones. Not things said to 'grease-up' from close ones but simple truths, things i had never worried bout before but needed a prayer or an assurance.
There did come an apology.
Then came the reasons for the man leaving. They were ok to hear but some were very personal and that was crying material. not needed aye.
I was able to shed some light and there were loads of tears from the man's eyes, which was comforting (as i didn't need to knife him to get that to happen. he he, gotta laugh at some things!).
Crazy. As my kind amazing bro said, "I'm just glad you're free now sez ......" Thanks matt, you and that beautiful wahine of yours always make my day. Thanks BP for prayers and loving listening to my pain. Prayer changes things and i indeed felt much better after that.
Love and thanks, always. xx
Much love going out to you Sez. So sorry that it's all had to come to an end... Keeping you and the girls in our thoughts & prayers as you start the whole'closure' process xxx
We are so sorry for your pain and so amazed by your courage, we love you and your babies so very much and always will, crying with you now my dear dear friend xxx
My heart breaks for you all, so much pain and suffering you have all been through and so hard for us as your family to sit by and watch.
I know in time, when God has healed those wounds and you are ready, he will provide the most adoring husband you deserve and fatherly figure to our girls.
"You can never find the right person if you can't let go of the wrong, but at the same moment you are ready to let go you remember why you have held on so long. Sometimes you have to forget what is comfortable and remember what you deserve"
you are such an awesome mum Sezzie and K & L are so blessed to be apart of your special love! You still have a GREAT family unit! You are the head of that unit God WILL give you the strength to press on.
Thinking of you and sending you lots of cuddles.
We love you Aunty Sezzie
Fi & Chey
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