I am stupidly reading 3 books at the moment - 'eat pray love' by Elizabeth Gilbert, 'A long obedience in the same direction' by Eugene Peterson and a funny wee one by Father pat Connor, 'Whom not to marry'.
Silly me, silly me. Reading three at the same time. it simply means none of them get finished very quickly at all. I have an assignment due on the middle one, in two weeks so that should find it's way to the top of the list, i'm hoping.
I went to hear Peta Mathias (NZ chef, tv presenter, very funny lady) at our local convention centre, tickets were $5. Legendary. She is taking gastronomic tours in Italy, France and Morroco. We talked after where we would like to go and we probably should have all said Marrakesh in Morrocco because that sounds like the most adventurous (pigeon pie, mud houses, extreme heat) but i agreed I'd like to visit Italy given half the chance.
Some italian phrases i've found in the above reading ........
un' amica stretta means "a close friend" But stretta literally means tight, as in clothing, like a tight skirt. So a close friend, in Italian, is one you can wear tightly, snug against your skin.
bel far niente means "the beauty of doing nothing".
l'arte d'arrangiarsi - the art of making something out of nothing. The art of turning a few simple ingredients into a feast, or a few gathered friends into a festival. Anyone with a talent for happiness can do this, not only the rich.
Just a few wee quotes that i'm liking. No speakie italian here but i'd give it a go even as art on my wall!
The girls got their hair cut this week (not shown in photo) and both asked for fringes, they look so cute and trendy. I'm liking it. K takes a few more minutes in the morning getting used to her fringe, putting it in the right place. L simply doesn't like it and wants her normal head back. I think she looks nice so we'll work on the arrangement of her head for helping her feel better about it.
Today L has a party which she is very excited about and K and I may visit a family from her school, who have just lost a son. We will take cake and we will hopefully sit with them and experience some of their loss. This will be good for K i'm sure. We have prayed for this family, such a huge grief, making our small annoyances in life seem insignificantly minute.
I love the jewish practice of sitting 'shiver' (i think that is the spelling). The practice is just to go and sit with the family who have suffered, sometimes for days and days. It's a practice that is in place to remind them (and us) that Jesus sits with us in our own grief. Beautiful.
This post had no real point to it really, it's a mixture of my ramblings or current thoughts, nothing too revelationary but that is where it's at for us this week. Hoping for you, wherever you are at, that you are able to relax and do nothing, even if it is just to experience Him a wee bit more.
1 comment:
Gosh, something for $5. That's almost unheard of these days!!
It's an interesting thing the "shiver". To go a sit with people during their grieving time.... I'm gonna look into that one. It's sparked an internal argument (there are two inside my head).
Italy is on my travel list!
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