The girls called me to the window today and I was too busy to come getting the breakfast ready or something mundaine like that. But I remembered that I wanted to be a YES mummy (in a good way), so I went and saw this amazing amount of hail. This hail turned out to cover our everything outside! A friend rang me to say this was possibly the closest it would get to snow, in our city. She was outside with her husband and kids crunching in the hail. She encouraged me greatly to get out there. There was no way I was going too. My organised, structured self said the girls would get all messy and I’d have more work to do, it would be cold and they could catch a deadly disease ……..
I got over my silly self and we got outside quickly and warmly. I spent ages taking photos of the girls making tracks in the hail, laughing with them and eating hail. The comments were “wow it’s Christmas!” “this is so cool mum”. We had a fab time and talked about it all day!
Later in the day we saw the snow on the hills and it was so close and amazing. It’s a wonderful world! I am so glad I wasn’t too busy today or too structured to stay inside where it was warm and tidy. The moments of feeling hail pelt us on our bodies far outweighed being stuck inside. The girls loved it because it was my idea and because it was spontaneous and it was about God’s amazing creation.
I am proud of myself for abandoning safety and routine (and being too busy to watch hail). This felt like a big thing even though it sounds small. No regrets, love big and enjoy each moment, even if it's a bit messy.
K and L, it’s a wonderful world when we’re together. I love it. I love making memories that will last for yonks. Let’s make way more.
Loved reading much greatness in simple moments!
Yay for hail! I leapt outdoors dragging the kids with me, only we didn't rug up and didn't stay out there for more than a minute, but lots of screeching laughter and dancing and collecting it! Its awesome to celebrate the wonders of our lives with abandon. You are a good mum Sarah.
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