I remember things and go “oh yeah, that was cool”. But sometimes I forget, I think it’s a good habit to write ‘thank you’s down. I used to make the kids in my year 7 and 8 classes write a thankful diary (because Oprah did something similar). I have a lot to be thankful for. I love shoes and I found this book at a friends place and copied some quotes (Shoes, a love story – Tim Blanc).
Q:1 The fact is sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun. Carrie, Sex and the city.
Q:2 There are only two kinds of women in the world. Those who love shoes and those who had the misfortune of to be born without the ability to experience total bliss on finding a pair of perfectly designed pumps in the right size at half-price. There’s a direct correlation: the more shoes a woman owns, the more nicer person she turns out to be. The more she obsesses about footwear, the more normal she becomes. Those of us who love shoes are happy, passionate and more exuberant people. Whenever we meet, we recognize each other with our own special greeting, the shoe-aholics hello: “ooooh”, we say, “cute shoes”. From Heart and Sole: The Shoes of my life. Jane Eldershaw.
I’m thankful for the holidays just been, sleep-ins while the girls eat apples and play ‘teachers’ in their room, catching up with great friends, spending money on bargains that I find, getting a refill of tomato salsa from a fav café back home, being given money to fix the car, seeing mama mia, finding gluten-free baking mix at half the price, dinner with friends, more sleep-ins, watching a John Mayer DVD and a Sting one, time with my mum and finding Gran’s meatball recipe. Even buying some Christmas presents – I know, it’s so flippin far away! New and old recipes from friends and the fact that I have not been BUSY these holidays with catching up with folks, but more particular in who I want to catch up with (that’s a biggie for me), is something I’m grateful for. I’m thankful I’m learning more about myself and who I really am.
Today, this very rainy Tuesday, I’m thankful for the time I got to lay on the bed with k, talking about nothing in particular but taking the time. Today I’m thankful for making a duplo house for L as that made her day. I’m thankful for the yummy chicken pie we ate, together and that the fire has made us warmer.
I think over the last month I’m aware that I’m mostly thankful for a sense of humour. I am glad I can laugh and crack a few jokes even if it’s just with myself. I have been able to say (as I’ve just realised), that I’m genuinely happier this year, than I’ve been in a long while. That seems weird considering the turn of events, but there is a peace that surpasses all of my understanding that can only come from Him. My God.
I am so thankful.
The last quote about shoes (did I mention I love shoes, esp my red boots?!)
All God’s children need travelling shoes. Maya Angelou
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