Tonight we had a ‘ye ha it’s the holiday’s!” party. I sent the girls an invite and we had a party. All within a few hours. It was a hit – balloons, lollies, chippies, dancing and items to show off! The girls were told on their invite to wear their PJ’s and also a fun head thing. So we all looked a bit silly but we had a laugh.
This morning we’d had a fun time at church with a family service. The girls stood up the front of the auditorium singing songs for all to enjoy. I stood on my chair to wave to the girls, to help them with their confidence if that was needed. They had a game show, a real dog do some tricks and kids sharing what God meant to them. I had a sense of missing doing all that stuff for kids. I’m quite hungry to do a story or something at church for kids. I think I’m missing some of the stuff I was used to doing every week in our old job.
Reading Ephesians tonight there was a goodie: Chapter 2 verse 8-9: For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favour) that you are saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves but it is a gift of God. Not because of works lest any man boast (not the result of what anyone can possibly do so no one can take pride or glory in himself).
At the moment I’m not able to be busy doing stuff like telling stories to kids at church. I am on sabbatical. Having a rest. Part of my sabbatical is learning stuff I think – I’m learning that I’m OK, accepted, loved by Him, no matter what I’m doing or done. I am loved because of who I am not because of what I do. This is part of my journey.
The last thing the girls said tonight as I was kissing them goodnight – “mum I want to live with you forever, except I’m going to have to get married”. There was some real contemplative thought followed by who they would love to marry. I remember only a few months ago they wanted to marry each other! K changed her mind a few times tonight but L was adament: Logan, I am going to marry Logan.
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