Psalm 40 – it’s a favourite of mine from this year! Verse 17 says ‘As for me I am poor and needy, yet the Lord takes thought and plans for me. You are my help and my deliverer, O my God, do not tarry.
I was challenged in church, again, listening to a talk on ‘can I trust God?’ with where I’m at. They went on to say that we just can’t control everything in our life and what were our control mechanisms that we used when things begin to spin out of control? He, the speaker, took us to where the Israelites were stuck at the sea, between a rock and a hard place. The sea represents chaos for us, uncontrollable stuff (I’d never thought of that before – ah der!). The Israelites were tempted to go back to their slavery, funny.
K got the chance to go on a flying fox today. As I went with her to have a look, even I was feeling a bit ‘wobbly’ up there. She was keen, but twice, decided to not do it. The third time of heading up to the top, she gave it a go! I was so proud of her. Many times before, she has given up and been rigid in her decision. No trying or persevering, just NO! But this time she gave it a go and we had to stay longer at the park while she enjoyed some more of the freedom and fun she’d discovered. I was tickled pink to see her go for it.
Back to the preach: Ex 14:13-14 – Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
I was just greatly encouraged by that. I can trust my God to do amazing things. He is in control, even when I try to control all things. He is a promise keeper and he does fight for us. I feel like it’s real simple stuff, but it’s real truth and I need to go back and back again to remind myself of the great story that I’m involved in. The word of God is my story and even in K trying to leap off the tower, trusting the flying fox, I’m wanting to do that. Hearing that this morning was good, but now writing it and reading over my notes, is just another way to get it into my heart I think.
I struggle with things in my story not being right, right now. Do not tarry God. I wish You would hurry things along, it’s a long long time. Nevertheless, I will trust You God.
L prayed today telling God about the different birthday cakes she was going to have – when I’m 4 I’ll have the Wiggles (I reminded her she was already 4), and when I’m 5 I’ll have a princess and when I’m 6 ……. Cute. We had spent all of our dinner trying not to sing Abba’s voule vou, ……. That song got in our head and I still can’t get it out! It was so much fun dancing around the room and shaking our body wildly, together. Doing this journey together, is wild but we’re together.
1 comment:
wish I could witness you doing life with the girls like this...sounds so freeing
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