Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Maid in NZ

I am in the habit of going to the dvd store and purchasing (borrowing) 5 ish dvd's to watch during the week.  I love it! 

Anywho i was watching Maid in Manhattan with J Lo and came across my own wee revelation from that movie.  She was a maid aiming for management.  A number of events follow with her falling for this guy slightly out of her league of maidship.  Disaster happens but like a true comedy-romo, it all works out.  But this thing got me - she got married to this senator-type man but as the credits are rolling, we see her on the front of a management magazine.  During the movie you saw that she was good at that type of stuff, organising, being professional.  She carried on with the skill she had or the passion she lived with. 
Just a little revelation for me - i went away thinking, "that's what I want".  Not to loose myself or my passion for the things I love.
At times in relationships (the two serious ones i've had, marriage and boyf), i've looked back and realised part of myself was either pushed down or i've just let it go for another, in order for them to shine.  It's not a real biggie, but its something I will ponder from time to time and the Maid in J-Lo, will help me in those ponderings.  Wonder if i'll call myself the Maid in Palmerston Nth.

The girls got home on Sun after a weekend away and for some reason they wanted to do a fashion-show.  Nice.  I had dinner ready and am mindful of keeping a good routine when they come home, to keep things stable after being away from their normal environment.

But fashion-show, we did:  Posing, dancing (they haven't seen one before so there were moves), cat walks all to Guy Sebastians 'whos that girl'.  He he.  Even the Photographer had to pose!


Amy said...

Miss you Maid in PL. Love the concept, love holding onto the whole self of you and your bliss. Mwa x

Gail said...

My kids rock it to that song too (me too).

It's not often that a J-lo movie will give a bit revelation! I think it's something we all desire - only very few realise it! To not lose sight of who we are or what we have passion for!

You're an awesome womanxx

Thanks so much for your encouragement too - needed it. It's a real rollercoaster of emotions atm! But I know His hand is on it - I just need to trust and not be such a control freak. Hmm.