Sunday, October 31, 2010

The 'together' partaeeeee ........

I had suspenders to hold my torsellette (sp?) down under my dress so i didn't look pregnant, the pantihose I wore was constantly rolling down my thighs causing sausage like pictures under my skirt, and despite the last two statements, it was the funnest night out in a long time!

12 gals, frocks on (bride-ish, bridesmaidish), frills and puff included, vintage and modern, drinks and nibbles to start, photos in the square of the city we live in and dinner out at a packed-out popular joint (not mcd's that's for sure!). 

Some wore their own, some wore others, some wore 6th form ball dresses and everyone looked gorgeous.  There were giggles, hillarity, late-brides (of course), lipstick marks on glasses and even a garter!  Shoes were swapped in true girl fashion, everyone spoke of how lucious the others looked. 

It was fun.  It was new.  People thought it was silly.  It shall be talked about for a long time. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

perfect timing

I have kept thinking about how i didn't want the effort of having to look for a new house for us to live in and that my procrastination in the matter wasn't going to help any.
But yet again, God has reminded me of his good plans (despite my lack of help) and his fabulous timing.
Ending this particular season of my life (although carrying major parts of it into the next, eg my beautiful children), i had felt that an adventure was on its way.  I was up for something new. Part of starting this next episode in the book of our lives has ended up being us shifting house.  And that is an adventure for sure. 
I didn't try very hard to find a place, it seemed too scary looking.  So i put off looking at the one house i thought was quite cool.  Turns out it was in the same street where I know some lovely folk and after casting the idea aside, i spoke with these people - "I was thinking of being your neighbour, joke joke!"  Turns out the house was owned by their relative and they put the good word in, hoped and wa-laaaaah, we got it.  Simplicity indeed.

So back where we live now, life is changing but there's still time for scooter riding and home-made pizza with friends.

Boxes have started to appear everywhere.

The girls are whizzing with excitement, even L packed more boxes than myself on Saturday.

Some bits of our new pad:

Amongst moving boxes of guff around to the new abode, there are definately parties to be had!

I've always wanted to have a party where girls get together wearing their old brides dresses (borrowed or their own) or bridesmaids dresses (borrowed or their own), some canapes at someones home to get our confidence pumping and then out to hit the town with our frocks!  So this Saturday it's my 'together' party.  It's funny as it's fallen around the same time as my d-vorce coming through but it really has nothing to do with that.  It's about having an excuse to have some fun and to wear something that most women only get to wear once.

The invite says:
'they say two are better than one.  Thank you for making my one better.
Let's frock up and have some fun..........  

This party is a small part of the adventure too.  There are all sorts of different friends from around the town we live in, coming.  And the adventure here, is doing life with them.  I love it how God is everywhere, in the fun too.  

Party, whether the timing is right or not.  Why not?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

good but crazy week

Hello week, good to see you finally ending although you've been certainly quite good on some days!
Well done week.
It was feeling like you were not a nice week after the alarm clock in the girls room, randomly went off late into the night and I, being alert and on the ball, stumbled my way round the room, to turn it off.
Nice one.
Then on the next few nights, the phone left on, in the same girls room, running low on battery and beeping itself to all who could hear, in the middle of the night (of course) AAAAAANNNNDD the cats screeching the next night topped it off.  So i thought!
What about this Mr week,  not sure what you were thinking:  The bookcase falling on K and myself as we lay snuggling on her bed.  That was a cracker, not literally thankfully.  The week was ending well as I could feel all sorts of pain all over my body from the 'bookcase' incident.  I am grateful not to you Mr week, but to God, that K wasn't hurt.  
I've had such a pleasant time Mr W, on the other ocassions that were available for niceness:  lovely texts from pals, a new house to live in, a days teaching, wee presents here and there and my body feeling much better from the books and their case doing their falling thing.  
The new house to move into feels good.  It is an answer to the prayers of all the three people living in this abode at present:  fireplace (not open!), heat pump, bath, big lounge, driveway, grounds with trees.
No looking, just divine appointment.  Even neighbours who i know.  Nice ending mr Week indeed.  We will move on K's birthday.  Happy birthday to my babe.
Thankfully Mr Week, the fish didn't die at all.  They are still breathing and their keeper is doing a faithful 6-year old job of caring for them. 
It has been a crazy busy week, but good.  The teaching i did reminded me or showed me, that i'm not so good at that anymore and that i need to brush up on my skills.  That's OK.  Should have guessed it and not been in so much shock.  
It was a week that was too rushed, we did too much and that made me feel crazy.  I'm aiming that next week will not have so many things in it, but quality with the things we do do.  I guess that will involve packing.  yippiee.  
Hope you've had a good week.  To finish this week i'm going to the movies with some lovely friends. 
Good, not crazy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Love letters

Dear K and L

I am so glad you are home.

I loved it how you bought me a candle K, you commented on how I always bring you presents when I go away and you wanted to do the same.  So sweet.

I love it how you told me you really missed me L, how you are happy to be home. I felt so loved when you asked how my time has been without you.  What a thoughtful girl you are.  You can see, I hope, that even when you’re away, I can choose to spend my time with friends and make the most of the opportunities.
I am sorry that your heart feels like it’s crashed sometimes, as you are living out the journey you’ve kind of been stuck in.  Tears streamed down your face this Sun am before church, as you again asked hopeful questions about your dad joining us. I do pray for your tender heart and I did remind you that God heals our hearts when they feel sore and hurt.  I showed you what a hand lifted to God with our little piles of sadness in it, looked like.  I told you that he loves to take our pain and to pour his love into us.

K I loved how you yelled out “I’m so glad I’m home” after you’d settled back in.  When we went for a bike ride, I felt so glad you shared your feelings with me.  I was talking of a moment when dad was younger but I called him ‘your dad’.  You told me gently that it made you feel like he wasn’t part of us.  I responded saying I was sorry to make you feel that way and also that sometimes it’s hard to know what to call him, after he left mummy.  Good conversations. 

I can’t tell you this now, as you’re too young to understand it really, but d and I are now divorced.  I got the certificate (yes it was like a ‘well-done’ award on nice paper) this week while you were away.  It’s not something that we’ll be putting on the wall, but it is there, quietly sitting in it’s own little place.

So while lots of things will stay the same, I’m ready for whatever God has for us in this new time.  We are such a great team, I am so grateful to God that you are in my life.  I would not be the same without you two!  I feel like my heart has got a lot better and I’m kind of up for some kind of new adventure.  But also I want to be a careful mumma who watches out for you when you need reassuring or extra care, and that I’ll be aware of myself when I run into my pain sometimes and have to ask for help or prayers or just a moment to breathe.

I’m thankful for the fish we got for you L (and as of today they are still alive), I’m grateful for the times we’ve had over the holidays together and I’m jolly grateful for u, 2. May I always be a mum who leads you to God for your strength and help.  He is so amazing and I honour Him for who we are today.

Love mum

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Going fishin

Hello Blog page
I haven't talked to you for awhile, sorry about that.
Things have been fine, mostly, like normal!
There have been great things - like home made lemon merange (how do you spell that?) cheesecake,

sloshing around in the rain-soaked ground whilst falling in love again with the smell of spring and all the cherry blossums it brings,

winning prizes whilst sitting about one metre away from the first Master -Chef winner from New Zealand,

seeing wonderful friends,

being reminded to 'let things go' by caring friends who tell their own kids that (and as I listen I get encouraged and challenged),

(thanks Shell, love u)

and of course, there are rough things that make my heart break again - like saying bye to my girls for a week on the same weekend that the divorce mr x bought about, came through.  oh my giddy aunt it rains and pours sometimes, esp when you live in Palmy North.

Liv has wanted a fish for a very long time, i think one would have been fine but after doing serious research it turns out you need more than one for it's survival.
And then it turns out you need a rectangle tank, not a round one, as fish need a 'river-like' situation to do their living in, in your home.
But wait, there's more ...... water conditioner, cleaning the tank out vigorously after you've already done that (because you used detergent - ah der Sarah, what were you thinking?), filtered water for fish survival, oxygen weed and probably a fish wardrobe and several outfits for it to choose from!
I thought maybe it would be like the fish from Dr Seuss's 'the cat and the hat', it just kind of sat there, speaking sometimes, with it's round bowl.
BUT no, to do the right thing, sometimes takes a lot of effort.  Even having a pump to airate the water, on for several days before the arrival of the fish, is of vital importance.  And then they could die.  Even on the first day.
But we are getting the fish, when the girls get home at the end of the week.  Water pumped, tank cleaned (for the seventh time), food ready, my mind prepared for a great experience perhaps with a few dead fish on the way. Ah such is life.

It turns out i can survive without my girls being here, and  i can enjoy the break but it has been a emotional ride.  The fish part has mostly made me laugh and think 'heck, what am i getting myself into?' But the part where the kids have to leave with someone who doesn't care for me anymore, and that that has to be a 'normal' part of my life from here in, is hard.

I'm thinking about how it will be great when this is not my complete story anymore.  I've had such great tales to share from these past few years amidst all the schmuck, but i'm feeling really ready for a new story with some different adventures, with these two poppets and maybe a fish or two.

Cool thing: at the MasterChef evening, i won the best prize (i reckon):  Al Browns (from Logan Brown, Wellington) Go FISH, book.  Such a great theme this week!