Thursday, October 2, 2008

Precious moments

Today was a nice day. We have met the next door neighbour a few times, a lovely chinese girl. We have taken her home made cookies and she has given us flowers. We know her by name and she has endeavoured to learn the girls names too. She is a sweetie. Tonight was the night that she came for tea.
It went so well. I thought that ‘being kind to my neighbour’ would be just that. Funny thing is, I think I learnt more and got encouraged more by her! This lovely girl told me she thought my cooking was professional (it was slightly cold and the couscous was gluggy!), that my parenting was so good (she confessed to seeing supernanny and commented on how horrible children could be) and she told me that d needed time to sort himself out! I am wowed by her.
As a family we played whonu (cranium) with her and it was delightful seeing her look up her computer dictionary to find out what brussel sprouts were (such a great game to play with people whose English is their 2nd language) and for her to show us where she lived before coming to New Zealand.
In the middle of a storm it is so easy to get swept away with it and forget about the simplicity of life – inviting a stranger to dinner. It’s something that I said (would you like to come to dinner?), before I had even thought about the consequences. What would we eat? What would we talk about? I am challenged again by the bible, 1 Cor 13 – sums up a life of love – putting others before ourselves. Others are important.
Some quotes of recent:
L (the 4 year old) told me in the car the other day, that she wanted to be a coffee maker and a show girl! “what do you mean a show girl L?”, I queeried after I’d laughed out loud.
“I want to do shows about princesses,” L replied. I was glad that was added and also that her sister would have to help. She would make coffee in the day and be a show girl at night. Hillarious.
A quote from a delicious friend: let emotions come like visitors...stay a while, entertain them and then let them exit. That we never know whether it's cleaning us out for something new?
I have had some wonderful times with some new and old friends this week. I have had the joy of hearing some stories of life from them. It cements the thoughts I already have about our lives. They are meant to be shared. Stories of things we have been through, even if they are not complete, are so encouraging for others. Let’s keep sharing our highs and lows with one another. I love your stories. I’m learning to love mine.

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