Sunday, October 31, 2010

The 'together' partaeeeee ........

I had suspenders to hold my torsellette (sp?) down under my dress so i didn't look pregnant, the pantihose I wore was constantly rolling down my thighs causing sausage like pictures under my skirt, and despite the last two statements, it was the funnest night out in a long time!

12 gals, frocks on (bride-ish, bridesmaidish), frills and puff included, vintage and modern, drinks and nibbles to start, photos in the square of the city we live in and dinner out at a packed-out popular joint (not mcd's that's for sure!). 

Some wore their own, some wore others, some wore 6th form ball dresses and everyone looked gorgeous.  There were giggles, hillarity, late-brides (of course), lipstick marks on glasses and even a garter!  Shoes were swapped in true girl fashion, everyone spoke of how lucious the others looked. 

It was fun.  It was new.  People thought it was silly.  It shall be talked about for a long time. 


Amy said...

Oh M G. I am so so so sorry to have missed that!!!!!!! I wanted to check out those suspenders!!!
But on the bright side, I no longer have my wedding dress and would not have come anywhere close to fitting it anyway. So...perhaps a blessing for all concerned :) Love to you my darling xxxx

Gail said...

how did I miss this??? I need to have one of these nights out.... dust off the meringue and take it to town~ You all look gorgeous!